Cisco Vpn Client 5.0 05 For Windows 7
I have recently upgraded my Home Office network monitoring PC to Windows 7 Pro. Previous was XP Pro I had a problem getting the Vista compatible version ov Cisco VPN client working so I downloaded teh latest version from Cisco ( It works perfectly and logs on to the Router almost as quickly as in XP.
May 08, 2012 I have an user running windows 7 enterprise in a new laptop, Cisco VPN Client was installed but I’m no able to get connected to our server. Step By Step Guide To Setup Windows 7/Vista VPN Client to Remote Access Cisco ASA5500 Firewall. Please follow these steps to configure Windows LP2T/IPsec client for.
Pathmaster V1.05 For Windows
Initially I can do Browse requests and RDP sessions using the URLs with Hostnames my Office devices - i.e. DNS resolution works and queries the DNS at the office end of the VPN. After about 2 to 3 hours the DNS resolution fails and I have to revert to using the specific IP addresses. This is OK except for CITRIX ICA Client which also is prevented from finding Citrx farm. Reboot the Windows 7 PC and re-connect the VPN and its back for another 2-3 hours.
All 'Internet' DNS resolution carries on fine. Could this be the Cisco Client or a setting in Windows 7?